Extremely handy 720 W angle grinder with speed regulation and a 125 mm protective hood. Ideal for light grinding and cutting work
Reliable 1200-watt angle grinder demonstrates impressive robustness, endurance and an additional anti-vibration handle. Ideal for intensive work with high safety requirements
1400 watt, handy angle grinder for sanding and roughing work with stainless steel
1,200 watt, powerful and robust angle grinder with anti-vibration handle for fast working progress and long service life. Ideal for continuous intense rough machining and cutting work
Permits almost dust-free operation.
Extremely compact 750 Watt angle grinder with small grip circumference. Ideal for thin cuts and fine grinding.
功能强大且使用方便的 850 瓦角磨机。非常适合轻负荷打磨和切割作业,例如去毛刺作业